Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Millennial First Time Home Buyers
Millennial First Time Home Buyers

Cash Buyers Lists News

Millennials continue to make their way inland in search of affordable housing, with Minneapolis, Minn. experiencing the most millennial home-buying activity this fall, according to October data from Ellie Maes Millennial Tracker, a measure of millennial mortgage applications. Based on the data, Philadelphia, Pa., St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, Ill., and Detroit, Mich., comprised the top five cities for millennial homebuyers in October.

"As housing prices continue to rebound, millennials are increasingly representing a higher percentage of homeowners in the middle of the country," said Joe Tyrrell, executive vice president of Corporate Strategy at Ellie Mae, in a statement.

Millennial borrowers FICO credit scores, on average, were 722, according to the data. The Midwest has shown marked improvement in credit overall, more so than any other region in the country.  Millennial homebuyers, especially in the Midwest, are also affording more than they were just six months ago, with the average appraised value up from $212,939 in June to $223,153 in October.  Profiling millennial homebuyers, the Tracker shows approximately half of millennial borrowers, with an average age of 28.7, were single and half were married-a near-even split that underscores the growing trend toward single homeownership

Millennial men, however, were more likely than millennial women to be the primary borrower.
More than three-quarters of closed loans for millennials were purchases, while 22 percent were refinances, according to the data. The average loan amount was $184,733.
California and Florida experienced the least millennial home-buying activity this fall, with the Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and Tampa-St. Petersburg metropolitan areas comprising the top five on the other end of the spectrum.
Ellie Mae

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Comparative Market Analysis
Comparative Market Analysis
Cash Buyers Lists News

A birthday card from a loved one, a pair of tickets from your boss to watch your favorite team for completing that big project. The suggested items on Amazon right before completing your purchase. Each of these strikes a particular spot all with a common theme: they’re uniquely personalized to each of us. 

Buying or selling a home is an overwhelming process. Clients today seek out more than just a reputable brokerage; they also want someone whom they can personally identify with to fulfill their aspirations and concerns.

With so many choices available for clients today to represent them, what are you doing to not only earn their trust, but also show a genuine desire to represent their best interests?

Two words: personalized CMA.  A concise, impactful CMA can go a long way towards achieving both with clients. By crafting a personalized, high-quality presentation, it shows your professional and personal investment in their future. Relevant data to consider when crafting a client CMA:

  • A thorough description of the property or neighborhood
  • Competitive comparison of similar properties in the area
  • Impactful, high-resolution images and videos
  • Local market trends (average listing time, financial forecasts, etc.)
  • Cost breakdown and expectations
  • Marketing plan for the house (if a listing CMA)

Each client and market is different, so listening to clients and catering your presentations to their criteria is crucial. Be it drive times to/from work, or educational options in the area, all of it shows your investment in their happiness.

Need help to find creative inspiration for your next CMA? Check out this great 
listing presentation or example buyer presentation to help guide you in creating your next client presentation.

For more information, please visit

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TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More
Cash Buyers Lists News

In the real estate industry, I’ve seen a lot of great people succeed-and a lot of great people burn out. The amount of pressure combined with straight commissions and the increasingly complicated nature of the transaction means it’s getting more difficult to do any significant number of transactions without getting some real help. When quality individuals begin to do real estate, they build their business based on a set of values and an intended level of service.

As they grow, their service suffers, or their values are compromised. I believe that we’re not on this earth to sell houses, but rather, to make a difference in the lives of our families, and the people we touch in business, in that order. As we grow, both areas suffer.

The Problem
I recently read an interview about an agent who is doing $10 million a year in sales. While this is a good business, she never sees her husband and misses all of her children’s games and important events. Success to her used to be measured by selling houses and being a great wife and mother. Today, she feels as though she’s failing at all three. This is the underlying motivator which drives people to consider building a team. As I continued to read, the interviewer made sure she understood she wasn’t alone in her feelings of being able to grow her business, but unwilling to have her family suffer going forward.

The Solution

Step 1: Look at company-provided tools and take advantage of the tools and resources available. These include marketing, transaction management, etc.

Step 2: Hire a Client Care Coordinator. This position can be full- or part-time, but should be filled from day one. I don’t believe you can get to the place in your business where you’re making $1,000 per hour if you spend 15 - 30 hours a week doing $15 - $20 per hour tasks. You must delegate and follow a proven process for hiring and training talent.

Step 3: Systematize everything. Automate your processes and systems to create operational excellence. This includes systems for in place before, during and after every transaction.

Step 4: Consider a buyer’s agent or showing assistant. I know through our tracking systems and research every listing should generate 1.5 buyer-side transactions. If you focus on listings and allow someone else on your team to show and work with buyers, you can grow substantially.

Step 5: Cater to millennials. Millennials love working in groups and helping each other be successful. This team environment is very difficult to achieve as a group of agents. Team means something entirely different than group, and building a team makes work more enjoyable, and, more importantly, gives you the ability to have someone you like and trust handle your clients when you need time with your family.

Step 6: Change your focus from agent to leader. Your focus should be on business development and people development. As you help your team members become successful, have great income and balance in their lives, your income and life balance will improve.

Step 7: Don’t go it alone. Building a team is like climbing Mt. Everest; many set the goal to reach the summit, but very few do. Your business, life and team deserve expert advice and coaching to follow a proven route to success.​​

​The bottom line is real estate professionals want a life. They realize their lives will not be measured by GCI (Gross Commissionable Income) or number of total units sold. Life has so much more to offer, and building a successful team allows them to live life to its fullest.

Verl Workman is the founder and CEO of Workman Success Systems, an international speaking, consulting and coaching company that specializes in performance coaching and building successful power agents and teams.
For more information, please visit

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Monday, December 12, 2016

How do I invest in real estate with little to no money?

Cash Buyers Lists Real Estate Checklist

How do I invest in real estate with little to no money?

What if you were told you could get started in real estate with just $17?

Yes…you read that right, $17!

You’re probably thinking, “How can $17 get me in the real estate game?”

While it’s not $1,000,000, $100,000 or $10,000, hey, at least it’s something and never under estimate the value of a dollar.
Just because you don’t have much money to start investing in real estate doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start investing right away.
Actually, the most difficult part of investing in real estate is, “STARTING”.
For those of you who are discouraged because you only have a little bit of money to invest – don’t fret!
$17 can get you in the real estate game more than you realize.
 Here’s how:
2.      Get Your Real Estate Cash Buyers' Parameters
3.      Contact an Agent or Broker
4.      Find the properties based on the parameters
5.      Run the numbers
6.      Make a bid and lock up the property
7.      Assign and flip your property to your cash buyer
Take note, the first thing on the list is to FIND REAL ESTATE CASHBUYERS.

Cash Buyers Lists
Cash Buyers Lists Never Buy A Home Without It!

You don’t want to purchase a piece of property if you don’t have a buyer already set up.  Here’s how your $17 can change the game of real estate for you.
Cash Buyers Lists provides verified real estate cash buyers in “any city” for “any state”.
That’s right, “ANY CITY FOR ANY STATE!”
Each real estate cash buyers list can contain up to 500 leads of verified real estate cash buyers who have purchased real estate for cash within the last 6 months.
So once you have your verified real estate cash buyers how do you contact them?

Depending on your Cash Buyers Lists package you will be able to obtain phone numbers for your leads.
Don’t wait another moment.  Get started by picking up your first real estate cash buyers list, NOW!
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Women Entrepreneurs: Homeownership and Professional Success
Cash Buyers Lists News

It's undeniable; women entrepreneurs hold tremendous potential for success and the American economy. Entrepreneurial women are starting over 1,100 businesses a day and women-owned businesses have increased 27.5 percent from just 2007 to 2012, currently numbering at 10 million, according to the Census Bureau.  However, this tremendous growth is eclipsed by the dire conditions with which women-owned businesses are faced. Here are two stark truths: 91 percent of women-owned businesses have no employees other than the owner and 88 percent of women-owned firms do not surpass the $100,000 revenue threshold. 

The majority of women-owned businesses are small businesses, and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Advocacy reveals that of businesses started in 2014, a mere 9 percent survived until 2015. Compounded by the fact that women receive only 16 percent of conventional small business loans, 4.4 percent of the total dollar value of all small business loans, according to a 2014 Senate Committee report, this makes it extremely difficult for women entrepreneurs to make their businesses successes.

Access to capital is a serious issue for women-owned businesses. The National Women's Business Council (NWBC) reports:
  • Women start businesses with half as much capital as men ($75,000 vs. $135,000).
  • Women receive 0.1 percent of venture capital financing.
  • Only 5.5 percent of women-owned businesses utilize business loans from banks to begin or acquire their business.
  • 55.5 percent of women-owned businesses are launched through the use of personal savings.

Pervasive gender imbalances like these severely hinder the capabilities of women entrepreneurs. By raising women's access to capital, women become increasingly equipped to enter the business arena with security and succeed.  Women's progress has extensive effects and its ripples are evident in all generations, from college students to seasoned professionals. Women are advancing in their fields, increasing their wealth and simultaneously raising their capability to become homeowners.

The significance of homeownership cannot be overstated. Owning a home means achieving the American Dream and having a place to call your own; it builds wealth and secures your professional progress. For women, who face an imbalanced professional field and work hard for less money, becoming a homeowner is powerful.  How can we level the playing field for women entrepreneurs?

​Women must be able to utilize personal successes profitably in the business arena. In situations when they are denied loans, women entrepreneurs should be able to leverage achievements, like their status as homeowners and wealth, to obtain much needed business loans.

​It's all a cycle. The professional arena needs to be balanced so women are given equal opportunity to succeed. With success, women will be able to lead better lives through accomplishments such as homeownership, which will in turn beneficially poise women for business success.  But what happens when successful women don't appear to be so on paper?

We have seen how lack of accountability has caused a downturn in the housing market, but little has been said about the effect the recession had on financing for small businesses. With the impact of losing home equity, and, in a high number of cases, the home entirely, small business owners were devastatingly impacted.

Damaged credit has left hopeful homebuyers with bad FICO scores and business owners incapable of obtaining loans. Even though women are able to afford a home or repay a business loan, systematic roadblocks prevent them from being recognized as reliable consumers.  
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) reports that in 2013, 7.7 percent of American households (17 million adults) were unbanked and 20 percent (51 million adults) were under banked. This amounts to almost 70 million Americans who do not have full access to credit.

"We have millions of potential homebuyers, car buyers, and just plain consumers who do not qualify for financing or even credit cards because they don't fit within traditional credit definitions," states Rick Sharga, executive vice president at, about an alternative credit scoring system being developed by FICO.

"Many of these individuals are perfectly good credit risks and have good incomes, but until this point they've been unable to get the benefit of their prompt payments and prudent financial management," Sharga continues. "There's an unfairness to this, which can be reduced with the use of alternative credit scoring, and today's big data solutions make the data needed to create this scoring readily available."  A change needs to be made to inflexible, inaccurate practices used to determine if a person is qualified for a mortgage or loan. The significant limitations to which capable consumers are being subjected are unjust. Homebuyers and professionals should not be held back from experiencing important life transitions simply because an antiquated system determines their credit score is not good enough.

Over the decades there have been many creative financing techniques, especially for residential purchases. Innovation in lending is needed now more than ever. Women must be given an equal chance to succeed, personally and professionally.  Homeownership and professional success go hand in hand; when a score on a sheet of paper prevents women from achieving either, alternative methods should allow them to leverage one in order to achieve the other.

DesirEe Patno is president and CEO of the National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB).
For more information, please visit

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Top 10 Apps For 2017 To Power Up Your Real Estate Business
It’s that time of the year-a time to take inventory, and reflect on what has worked this past year, a time to look into new tools, solutions, and apps which will facilitate your business in the coming year. What better way to start 2017 than with the best apps recommended by other successful agents and brokers? Apps make life easy: they help us connect with others to share projects and ideas; they can save time, effort, and resources to make our lives easier and more efficient. In addition to our previous breakdown of real estate tools, here are some of the best apps available for real estate, recommended by top pros in the real estate industry.

A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words
Real estate professionals rely on images to draw the attention of prospects, and being able to create pictures and images on-the-go is a must for 2017. Check out these apps that make it easy to create professional images and videos right from your phone, computer, or tablet.

PicPlayPost - Don't be dependent on buyers clicking through each individual image of your listing to get 
hooked! Incorporate photos, video, and audio into one incredible collage to highlight more of your listing features at a glance with this app.
Recommended by 
Marguerite Giguere
WordSwag - Add descriptions to listing photos or share inspiring stats, quotes, etc., as an image overlay to make your messages more relatable, digestible, and memorable.
Recommended by 
Debra Trappen
Haiku Deck - Haiku Deck offers access to thousands of templates and millions of free images to complement your branding, making it easy to create a professional looking presentation.
Recommended by 
Chris Smith
iMovie - Create, edit, share, and view videos on your iPad, iPhone, or Apple computer with this easy to use, all-in-one video app. Recommended byMarguerite Giguere

There’s No "I" in Team
Teamwork is essential to running a successful real estate business, but hectic schedules make it hard to get everyone in the same place at the same time to coordinate. These apps make it easy to connect with your team on the go.
Evernote - Take, share, and access your ideas from anywhere with Evernote. This note-taking app makes note-taking easier by allowing you to make lists, take notes, and snap photos in a single app.
Recommended by 
Ashton Gustafson

Slack - You don't have to wonder who's taking care of what when you have open lines of communication with your team. Keep everyone on the same page with this user-friendly group messaging app.
Recommended by 
Michael Maher
GroupMe - GroupMe is a group messaging app which makes it easy to connect with your team on any device by creating a private chatroom for you and your team. Recommended by Wendy Papasan

Never Put Off Until Tomorrow What You Can Do Today
It seems like there are never enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to get done, and though they can’t create time, these apps can free up some time to help you achieve your productivity goals.

Charlie App - This app makes building rapport simpler by researching your contacts and sending you information about their interests, common connections, company, news, and more.
Recommended by 
Chris Smith
Don't Break the Chain! - Build good habits by tracking your daily commitment to your most important goal. 
Recommended by 
Wendy Papasan
Waze - Use Waze to navigate busy city streets and avoid traffic jams, accidents, and other road hazards to reach your destination fast, safe, and on time. Recommended by Debra Trappen is also offering a new app to instantly connect area agents with exclusive buyer leads who are looking at homes within five miles of the agents current location. TalkNow is currently being beta-tested in select markets. Find out more about getting the TalkNow app in your area.

Once you've downloaded your apps, check out the new 2017 Social Media and Business Planning checklists to expand your audience and stay up-to-date with fresh, innovative ideas. For even more ways to optimize your business, contact us at 888-510-8795 or by email at

For more information, please visit


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